The "Building Up" of Majengo

Nathan's Eagle Project

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Exciting: Turn-ins!

We have finally arrived at the most exciting.....well another most exciting part of the project. Turn in time! Already we have recieved a total of 12 gifts and many other donations for the orphanage itself!  I am so excited for the kids. Hopefully we will get pictures of them opening gifts on Christmas!

Just a reminder that when turning in you gifts YOU MUST TURN THEM IN WITH A RECEIPT! If there is no receipt, I will bug you until I get one : ) because I must know everything in that package to be able to ship and get it through custums without them opening everyone's boxes. Also if I am to complete the project successfully, the BSA requires that I have precise paperwork and records of all donations and the approxomate values!

I would like to thank all of you that have volunteered to help. There has been a posative response to my project and I am very thankful for that. Now, let's go help some orphans!

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